Governance and Structures of the Agoro-Agu Landscape Platform
i) The General Assembly
The general assembly is the supreme organ of the Platform where members meet to formulate broad policies and programmes, revise constitutions, if necessary elect executive members of the steering committee and decide on any matters of interest to the platform.
ii) The Steering committee:
The steering committee provides overarching strategic guidance for the platforms engagements and also supervises the Secretariat. It’s composed of composed of 7 members who include: Host Institution, Cultural Institution, Kitgum Women Peace Initiative, Uganda Forestry Working Group Node for Northern Uganda, Lamwo Farmers and Environmental Conservation Association, Kitgum NGO Forum, and Forest Adjacent Community Representative.
iii) The Secretariat
The secretariat has a coordinator who is responsible for implementing the programmes of the platform. The coordinator organizes communication and information shifting, advocacy and lobbying programmes
iv) Membership and composition of the Agoro-Agu Landscape Platform
The Agoro-Agu Platform shall be a consortium of civil society organizations, academic institutions and individuals who are engaged in the promotion and development of forestry activities and practices in the Agoro Agu Landscape.
A total of sixty one (61) members have been so far registered and they are all from the different sub-counties (Agoro, Paloga, Padibe East and West, Lokung, Madi-Opei and Palabek Kal sub-counties) within Lamwo District. Majority of this members fall under individual categories of the membership and their membership, Network and Forums are subscribed to Lamwo Farmers Environmental Association, LWF, Tree Talk, AIVI and the Northern Uganda Forest Working Group
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Map showing Agoro-Agu Forest landscape
Download: The Agoro-Agu forest landscape platform Brochure
Download: Socio Economic Baseline Report for the REDD+II Project